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To whom it may concern

My name is Stephen Eckart I am the owner of KJV Clothing, I was saved by the Lord Jesus Christ at the age of 18. I attend CRBC here in Carson City, Nevada. By the grace of God I am on track for a second year in a row of 20,000 copies of "This Was Your Life" distributed throughout Northern Nevada. Ive had many health problems beginning about three years before I got saved but the Lord has used them for my good.

Ministry Objectives

- To preach the gospel to as many souls as possible before the rapture.
- To get a copy of "This Was Your Life" in every home in America before the rapture.

My testimony:

Roughly one week before I got saved I began reading the Bible for the first time. I had just purchased a desktop computer and needed a mouse pad, looking around my room I saw a Bible that would do the job, I thought to myself "one day the power will go out and I will read this thing." Sure enough not long afterwards the power went out and I began reading it. After finding the beginning of Genesis surprisingly good I wanted to read about Jesus. I turned over to the book of Matthew and needless to say was shocked when I read the Sermon on the Mount for the first time, I then continued to read the book of Matthew multiple times. One evening while reading an overwhelming conviction of sin and need for salvation came over me, I got up from my desk went to my bed and with tears confessed all the sin I could think of to God then immediately afterwards I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ to save me.


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